Root Canals

The cliché, “I’d rather have a root canal” has come to be synonymous with a terrible experience; but despite the hyperbole, a root canal doesn’t have to be more miserable than being stuck in traffic. Advances in dentistry and specialists that use less invasive techniques can make a root canal — well, better than a root canal.

We’ll go through the process that the Dental Beauty dentists use, as well as explaining the circumstances that lead to a root canal.

We accept most insurance plans. We also accept payment from most PPO and indemnity plans. Please call us to make an appointment and we will answer any questions you may have.


What Makes Root Canals Necessary?

A root canal is a necessary treatment for a cavity that’s made its way into the root or pulp of the tooth. It’s the last effort dentists and specialists use to save a tooth before extraction. Once the decay has eaten through the protective enamel, it reaches the vulnerable pulp and eventually attacks the root of the tooth.

This leads to pain and infection, plus swelling and sometimes an abscess. Infections and abscesses in the mouth don’t get better over time and can be very detrimental to the health of your heart and brain if left untreated. Treating a cavity with a root canal removes the decay, allowing dentists to treat the infection, and lets you save your tooth, avoiding extraction and the need for dental implants.

The Root Canal Process

Root canals are performed by specialists called endodontists. The process goes like so:

● The tooth and gum area are X-rayed to determine the scope of the infection.

● A dental dam is placed around the tooth to keep it clean and dry during the procedure. Root canals are performed with anesthesia, usually local, although rarely, some very severe cases may require general anesthesia.

● An opening in the crown of the tooth is made, allowing the root canal dentist access to the pulp and root. The decay in the enamel is removed, similar to filling a cavity, as well as the infected root and pulp.

● Once the decay is extracted, the area is prepared for filling.

● The root canals (the areas in the tooth where the roots were) are then filled with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha, a rubber-like substance that takes the place of the root and seals the canals.

● Often, a temporary filling is then inserted. Usually, the affected tooth and gum are swollen and infected, so this needs to be treated before the permanent filling is inserted.

● A couple of weeks later, you’ll return to your root canal dentist to have the permanent filling and crown fitted and placed, restoring the tooth to full functionality. You may also need a post placed in the tooth in order to hold the restorative piece (crown) in place.

Preventing the Need for a Root Canal

Preventing a root canal begins with good oral health habits. Brushing, flossing, and eating a diet low in sugar (this includes sodas and sweetened beverages like tea and energy drinks) help limit the production of plaque, the substance that causes tooth decay.

Regular visits to dentists also help prevent root canals, ideally every 6 months. This allows cavities to be treated while they’re small, before they get to the root of the tooth and necessitate a root canal.

Dental Specialists Here For You

When you have a swollen, infected tooth, it’s important to quickly find an experienced root canal dentist. These specialists can perform the delicate procedure and return your tooth to a healthy state.

The team at Dental Beauty is here to help our Bucks County, PA, friends and neighbors have a healthier mouth. We can gently perform your root canal, as well as other general dentistry services. Give us a call or visit us online to book your appointment today!

What Are Dental Implants?

Full dental implants are replacements for both the missing tooth and the missing root. Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants are inserted into the gum, replacing both the root and the tooth.

Dental implants can be categorized as restorative dentistry surgery, as they contribute to your mouth’s health.

The dental implant begins with inserting a titanium screw into the jaw. This stimulates the jaw’s bone growth and reduces the “thinning” that can happen when teeth are missing. Once this has healed, the “cap” tooth is fitted into place, and can often be colored to match the surrounding teeth.

With dental implants, you can bite, speak, and chew regularly. Plus, the implant keeps other teeth from shifting in the mouth and maintains oral health. At Dental Beauty, we offer our patients affordable dental implants so they can get the smile they deserve at a cost that aligns with their budget!

Types of Dental Implants

There are a few types of dental implants, and your Bucks County dentist can help you determine which one is best for your mouth. Also, some patients may need to have bone grafting performed on the jaw to support the implant. This can include bone augmentation or a sinus lift, adding bone below the sinus where it’s deteriorated due to missing back teeth on the upper part of the jaw.

  • Subperiosteal dental implants are placed under the gum, and either on or above the jawbone. This type of implant is best for people who don’t have a healthy enough jawbone and don’t want to or cannot undergo bone augmentation procedures to rebuild it.
  • Endosteal dental implants are placed directly in the jawbone. These use the titanium screw implant and are the most common type of implant.

FAQs About Dental Implants

Here are some common questions we hear about dental implants:

Does dental insurance cover implants?

Many dental insurance companies consider implants to be a cosmetic dentistry procedure, and therefore may not provide coverage. We can work with your insurance to help determine if this is a medically necessary procedure. If you’re considering dental implants, you may wish to look for a new dental policy that does cover the procedure before booking the appointment.

Does PA Medicaid cover dental implants?

Traditional Medicaid, which is Medicaid Part A and Medicaid Part B, does not cover dental implants. However, some supplemental Medicaid insurance plans, called Medicare Advantage Plans, may cover dental implants. Private insurance companies provide these plans, and each plan varies on coverage.

How much do dental implants cost in PA?

Depending on the number of implants you need and whether you need bone grafting procedures, the costs can vary widely. Consult one of our dentists for more information regarding an accurate assessment.

Affordable Full Dental Implants in Feasterville, PA

Are you ready for a full, radiant smile? Dental Beauty can help! Specialists in our Feasterville, PA, office perform dental implant surgeries and can custom-make an implant that looks just like your regular teeth. Enjoy the relief of having a secure tooth replacement with our dental implants today! Give us a call or visit us online for more information.

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