Tooth Extraction
(Wisdom Teeth Removal)

Ever been scared out of your wits when it comes to tooth extraction? You’re not alone! The idea of a tooth being pulled is frightening, but the truth is that it hurts much less than you imagine – provided you work with an experienced dentist at Dental Beauty who understands the issues involved and can ensure a seamless tooth extraction process.

Tooth extractions are routine dental procedures used to remove decayed, damaged or otherwise problematic teeth. Dentists usually make every effort to preserve natural teeth, although sometimes an extraction is necessary. Although the procedure is performed in a dentist’s or oral surgeon’s office, it is considered surgery. Depending on which teeth are removed, they may be replaced with a dental implant or another oral prosthetic.

We accept most insurance plans. We also accept payment from most PPO and indemnity plans. Please call us to make an appointment and we will answer any questions you may have.


Wisdom Teeth Removal

People may need their wisdom teeth removed for several reasons. They could be pushing up against other teeth or causing your mouth to pain. There may also be infected wisdom teeth that you are unaware of in your mouth. In any of these instances, it may be smarter to get your wisdom teeth removed.

Your first consultation at Dental Beauty will start with a detailed discussion of your dental history, so we can evaluate your situation and determine your general oral health. We will assess the condition of your wisdom teeth and take any necessary x-rays to establish the best course of action moving forward.

Once wisdom teeth removal is established, we book you in for an appointment convenient for you and make a few suggestions to help you get ready. For example, you may need to avoid eating or drinking anything for a few hours before surgery. You may also need to prepare for over-the-counter pain medication and cold packs.

Once you’re at the clinic, our dentist will typically give you a local anesthetic, which works to numb the area around the tooth so you remain comfortable during the wisdom teeth removal surgery — a common in-chair procedure we’ve done countless times.

Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Painful?

You are usually awake during the procedure and may feel a little pressure while the tooth is being removed, but it is unlikely to cause you a lot of pain, thanks to a local anesthetic.

After the anesthetic wears off, you may experience some discomfort, which is why we will offer you some pain relief solutions to help you tide over the next few days. But this is short-lasting, and you will be back to normal quickly. You may be advised to use a cold pack to reduce the swelling inside your mouth.

To minimize your pain and any complications, it is crucial to work with a dentist experienced at tooth extraction to ensure nothing goes wrong during the procedure. Experience matters when it’s your related to your teeth, so don’t take it lightly!

Why Choose Dental Beauty for Your Tooth Extraction?

At Dental Beauty, our experienced professionals have the expertise and resources to ensure your experience is as pain-free and seamless as possible.

Our dental team stays up to date with the latest tools and technologies in the market, so we can offer the most sophisticated dentistry solutions to each of our clients. From tooth extraction and root canals to pinhole surgery and dental crowns, we can do just about everything in our office to ensure you a healthy, confident smile! Reach out to our team today to learn more.

Tooth extractions are routine dental procedures used to remove decayed, damaged or otherwise problematic teeth. Dentists usually make every effort to preserve natural teeth, although sometimes an extraction is necessary. Although the procedure is performed in a dentist’s or oral surgeon’s office, it is considered surgery. Depending on which teeth are removed, they may be replaced with a dental implant or another oral prosthetic.

There are several reasons why you could need a tooth extraction.

The most common cause of tooth extractions is severe tooth decay and cavities. However, many patients also undergo extractions for impacted teeth – particularly wisdom teeth. Other causes for extraction include advanced periodontal disease, cracked teeth, and teeth that are severely malformed. Although many circumstances that require extraction are unavoidable, some could be prevented with regular visits to the dentist for exams and cleanings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a tooth extraction?

Only your dentist can tell you if you need a tooth extraction. However, you may be a candidate for the procedure if one or more of your teeth are decayed so severely that a filling or others restoration is not a possibility for treatment.

What should I expect during my tooth extraction appointment?

If you and your dentist decide to extract one or more teeth, you will be scheduled to return for oral surgery at a later date. You will be given a local anesthetic to prevent pain during the procedure, and you may be prescribed medications to help manage pain in the hours following your extraction. Depending on the nature of your extraction and other factors, such as whether your teeth are impacted, you may also be sedated or given general anesthesia during your procedure.

What type of post-treatment care will I need to follow?

Post-operative care following a tooth extraction is essential for healing and preventing complications. You will be instructed to avoid certain foods and also keep the surgical site clean at all times. If you are prescribed an antibiotic, it is important that you complete the course of treatment to prevent infection. Finally, you may be advised to avoid smoking or drinking through a straw, as doing so may delay the healing process and cause a condition known as ‘dry socket.’

What Are Dental Implants?

Full dental implants are replacements for both the missing tooth and the missing root. Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants are inserted into the gum, replacing both the root and the tooth.

Dental implants can be categorized as restorative dentistry surgery, as they contribute to your mouth’s health.

The dental implant begins with inserting a titanium screw into the jaw. This stimulates the jaw’s bone growth and reduces the “thinning” that can happen when teeth are missing. Once this has healed, the “cap” tooth is fitted into place, and can often be colored to match the surrounding teeth.

With dental implants, you can bite, speak, and chew regularly. Plus, the implant keeps other teeth from shifting in the mouth and maintains oral health. At Dental Beauty, we offer our patients affordable dental implants so they can get the smile they deserve at a cost that aligns with their budget!

Types of Dental Implants

There are a few types of dental implants, and your Bucks County dentist can help you determine which one is best for your mouth. Also, some patients may need to have bone grafting performed on the jaw to support the implant. This can include bone augmentation or a sinus lift, adding bone below the sinus where it’s deteriorated due to missing back teeth on the upper part of the jaw.

  • Subperiosteal dental implants are placed under the gum, and either on or above the jawbone. This type of implant is best for people who don’t have a healthy enough jawbone and don’t want to or cannot undergo bone augmentation procedures to rebuild it.
  • Endosteal dental implants are placed directly in the jawbone. These use the titanium screw implant and are the most common type of implant.

FAQs About Dental Implants

Here are some common questions we hear about dental implants:

Does dental insurance cover implants?

Many dental insurance companies consider implants to be a cosmetic dentistry procedure, and therefore may not provide coverage. We can work with your insurance to help determine if this is a medically necessary procedure. If you’re considering dental implants, you may wish to look for a new dental policy that does cover the procedure before booking the appointment.

Does PA Medicaid cover dental implants?

Traditional Medicaid, which is Medicaid Part A and Medicaid Part B, does not cover dental implants. However, some supplemental Medicaid insurance plans, called Medicare Advantage Plans, may cover dental implants. Private insurance companies provide these plans, and each plan varies on coverage.

How much do dental implants cost in PA?

Depending on the number of implants you need and whether you need bone grafting procedures, the costs can vary widely. Consult one of our dentists for more information regarding an accurate assessment.

Affordable Full Dental Implants in Feasterville, PA

Are you ready for a full, radiant smile? Dental Beauty can help! Specialists in our Feasterville, PA, office perform dental implant surgeries and can custom-make an implant that looks just like your regular teeth. Enjoy the relief of having a secure tooth replacement with our dental implants today! Give us a call or visit us online for more information.

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